How to Write an Essay? | Complete Roadmap

How to Write an Essay

Essay writing is not a bowl of cherries however it is the basic task of academic life. Every student has to deal with the essay writing task but the problem occurs when you are not aware of the essay writing tactics. Your essay writing can be a manageable and comprehensive activity if you comprehend the voracity in it. The main aim of this blog is to bestow you an impactful roadmap with an understanding of essay writing.

Overview of Essay Writing

An essay refers to the structure category of the writing which demonstrates an explicit idea argument or narrative typically which is supported through analysis and evidence. The essays are the academic fields which are prepared on the following components:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph
  • Conclusion

All of these components combined the collective approach for the writer to identify this topic, communicative thoughts and Information sharing with organisation. Essays vary from the category of personal reflection to the analytical piece of research. Students have to write essays throughout versatile levels and fields of study.

Essay has a crucial role in academic life to develop effective communication, research skills and critical thinking. With the help of essay writing, you will acquire a way to organise your thoughts with important logic and construct a persuasive argument. The essay motivates the students to deal with the topic with information analysis deep understanding and present there we use with evidence. It also assists them in providing an analytical mindset. Additionally, the process of essay writing contains the great skills of the language that assist the students to practice the constructive structure, and coherent narrative that is significant for professional communication and academic success.

Types of Essays

There are versatile categories of the essays with versatile purposes.

  • Descriptive Essay:
    It is the category of the essay that focuses on the vivid description of the place, event, object and person to generate a robust image in the minds of readers. It depends on the sensory details through which you have to convey the atmosphere, depth and emotions that permit the readers to completely experience the subject.
  • Narrative Essay:
    Narrate essay sports are doing the narration in which you have to narrate the story sometimes according to the perspective of the writer. It needs personal experience utilisation to illustrate a lesson or theme. You must have a clear introduction body and conclusion which has a great focus on the character`s conflict and Plot for reading engagement.
  • Expository Essay:
    The main aim of the expository essay is to describe a topic with complete logic and facts without adding any personal opinion. You have to provide clear information in a systematic manner sometimes utilising examples, analysis and definitions to assist the readers so that they can understand the difficult ideas or concepts.
  • Persuasive Essay:
    It has the main aim to find out the base to convince the readers about the particular argument or viewpoint. It utilises to add evidence, logical reasoning and emotional appeal to impact the stance of the reader. It also motivates the writer to present their perspective.

10 Significant Steps to Write an Essay

Here is the step-by-step guide through which you will learn how to write an essay.

Step 1: Select a Captivating Essay Topic

The most important step of essay writing is its initial point where you have to select the topic of your essay. Sometimes students feel themselves pissed off just because of a wrong selection of their essay topic. If you have the choice to select your essay then select your essay topic by considering the following factors:

  • Select the topic of your essay in which you have a great interest.
  • Certify that the topic has a great resonation with your intended readers.
  • Pay great attention to the scope of the essay topic which can fit within the limit of your words and permit you to explore in detail.

Step 2: Compose a Robust Thesis Statement

The thesis statement refers to the short summary of the main claim or point in your essay. It provides great guidance to the readers about the argument and structure as the referencing of your ideas and point. A thesis statement is the crucial component of essay writing that`s why when it comes to writing the thesis statement you need to keep these significant tips in mind:

  • Make your thesis statement effective with arguable and specific details.
  • Align your thesis statement with the main purpose addition in your essay.

Step 3: Make the Structure of your Essay

Make the structure of your essay by putting the headings of the introduction, body paragraph and conclusion. After completing the writing process, you can remove these headings because the essay should not have any subheadings in it.

Step 4: Start Writing Introduction of your Essay

The introduction is the main part of your essay that sets the stage for your viewpoint in which you go beyond the details in your body paragraph. At the time of writing your introduction for essay, you need to take three steps into account:

  • Grab the attention of the reader by adding a comparing hook in your essay.
  • Define the context of your essay by providing background information which is relevant to the topic.
  • Present your idea with explicitness for that purpose and demonstrate your thesis statement of initial introduction here.

Step 5: Generate Body Paragraph

An essay contains the body paragraph which is a section to generate specific points which can support your thesis in detail. It includes evidence analysis and topic sentences to assist the writer in generating the argument with logic. Every paragraph of the body has the main emphasis on the idea that contributes to the overall coherence and purpose of the essay. At the time of developing the body paragraph of your essay, you need to keep these points into account:

  • Start every paragraph of your essay with a strong topic sentence
  • Support the evidence by backing up your points with citations and examples.
  • Make sure the smooth flow connects every paragraph.

Step 6: Use Evidence in Essay Efficiently

Evidence is the significant part which gives depth and authenticity to your essay task. At the time of increasing your argument and giving it strength, you need to focus on the source citations, evidence categories and analysis balance.

  • Use the evidence in your essay by adding examples statistics and quotations.
  • Cite the resources in the essay properly to maintain the integrity of academics.
  • Identify the authenticity of the present evidence.

Step 7: Conclude your Essay with a Persuasive Approach

The conclusion is the part of your essay which sums up your thoughts and research in your essay. Start writing the conclusion with a strong connection with the reinforcement and main points of the thesis. Never introduce any new idea in your conclusion just you need to focus on the content synthesising.
Read How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay and get a step-by-step guide.

Step 8: Revise your Entire Essay

In this step, you need to revise your entire essay with the help of great refining of argument and making sure that your essay has great clarity. For that purpose, you need to review the entire structure of your essay which is it in a logical flow. For writing a good essay, you also need to cut the information which is unnecessary.

Step 9: Proofread Essay and Edit your Mistakes

After that, you need to correct all grammatical mistakes, spelling and error of punctuation. For that purpose, you need to read the all essay thoroughly. Make sure that your asset does not contain any subject-verb agreement issues, consistency of tenses etc. With the help of particular tools of grammar-checking like Hammingway or Grammarly, you can make your essay devoid of errors.

Step 10: Format the Essay for the Final Look

If you have a genuine and authentic essay but it is not in the format then it does not make your essay appealing and mark-generating. If you want to make your essay easy to read for the readers and appealing for the views then you need to make it in a proper format. You need to follow the particular guidelines for the formatting and to support your evidence you need to add references in a particular style whether it is Chicago, Oxford, APA, MLA, Harvard, Oscola, etc.


How to write an argumentative essay with accuracy?

At the time of writing the argumentative essay, you need to start with a clear these days statement. Research thoroughly to collect credible evidence which can support your structure and argument in the essay with great logic. Identify the counterarguments fairly to check out the balanced perspective which refutes your evidence. Utilise the language which is clear to avoid any emotional appeal.

Which mistakes should I need to avoid in essay writing?

At the time of writing your essay you need to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Make sure that the spelling and grammar of your essay maintain clarity.
  • Avoid the overall difficult language that contains obscure meaning.
  • Avoid the information which is unverified and can compromise the credibility of your essay.
  • Never ignore the structure and support arguments` significance in your essay.

What are the 5 best tips to write an essay?

  • Read and analyse your essay question carefully.
  • Highlight the main ideas of your essay by planning the structure before writing.
  • Generate a strong thesis statement which states the main point of your essay.
  • Use clear evidence and examples which can support the argument with facts.
  • Check the coherence errors and clarity and polish your essay.

What are the differences between argumentative and descriptive essays?

Argumentative essay of the claim that supports reasoning and evidence for persuading the readers. It has a great focus on refuge counterpoints and logical arguments. Whereas a descriptive essay has the main aim of to a clear picture of the place, object, or person by using sensory details. The structure and logic of an argumentative essay aim to convince the reader. Whereas, descriptive essays are creative and focus on immersive experience.

Final Thought

Essay writing is no less than an art which can improve with the help of multiple practices. The understanding of every component of an essay with step-by-step guidelines, you can understand how to write an essay and can write it with informative and compelling attributes.