Structure and Breakdown of 10000 Words Dissertation

Structure and Breakdown 10000 Words Dissertation

The dissertation task remains to be done and no idea in my mind! This situation pissed off students. If you have to prepare a dissertation of 10000 words then you first need to make a plan to complete it. Preparing a dissertation of 10000 words is a very difficult part of an academic task which needs great training, a clear understanding, and a structured organisation of the topic of your research. This blog provides guidelines that aim to break down the complete process of dissertation writing into manageable sections. You can also get tips and knowledge on how to structure and write the sections of your dissertation effectively.

8 Main Sections of a Disseration

Break down your 10000-word dissertation structure into 8 main sections such as:

1. Introduction

Introduction is the main part of every academic writing task and dissertation is a very important part of academic life that`s why you need to start a good introduction. Your introduction must be clear and provide a complete overview of your dissertation topic. In your introduction, you have to explain the significance of your study and outline the problem of your research. In this section, you can utilise 10% to 15% of the entire world count of your dissertation. Therefore if you are dissertation is comprised of 10000 words then your introduction section must be around 1000 to 1500 words.

Here are the significant elements of your introduction which you have to add to your dissertation.

  • Context and Background
    In the background, you need to introduce the topic and provide the complete background information through which you can contextualise your research.

  • Problem of Research
    In this section, you need to state your research problem clearly and the question of your research that you are going to address in your dissertation.

  • Aims and Objectives
    In this heading, you have to outline the particular aims and objectives of your study.

  • Study Significance
    Describe the reason for your research`s significance and the way through which it contributes to the existing knowledge body of your dissertation.

  • Dissertation Structure
    Provide a brief structure overview of your dissertation through which your reader can get guidance.

2. Literature Review

The section of the literature review critically identifies the existing research in terms of your topic. In this section, you have to demonstrate your recognition of the recent state of the knowledge. Moreover, you have to identify the gaps in the literature and provide the justification for the requirements of your study. The literature review generally comprises 20% to 30% part of your dissertation which is equal to approximately 2000 words to 3000 words.

The crucial components of the literature review are provided underneath:

  • Organisation of Theme
    Provide the organisation with the literature review of your dissertation in terms of its themes by focusing on the issues and themes that are significant in terms of your research.

  • Critical Analysis
    Compare and critically identify the multiple studies by highlighting their weaknesses and strengths.

  • Gaps Identification
    You have to identify the gaps in existing research to give more authenticity and new updates in your dissertation which must be the aim of your study.

  • Theoretical Framework
    Discuss the models and frameworks in terms of theory which are hidden under your research.

3. Methodology

The section on methodology in your dissertation provides the outlining of the methods and design of your research that is utilised for collecting and analysing the data. This section is essential for the demonstration of the reliability and validity of your research. The section on methodology comprised the 15% to 20% part of your dissertation. Therefore, it must be allocated in the words between 1500 to 2000.

Some of the crucial components of your methodology section include:

  • Design of Research
    Elaborate on the entire design of your research for example is it quantitative qualitative or missed methods and justify your Choice of dissertation.

  • Methods of Data Collection
    Elaborate on the method utilised for the collection of data in your dissertation for the exam for experiment interviews and service and provide the justification of their accuracy.

  • Sampling of Data
    Elaborate on the strategy of sampling and criteria for the participant selection or sources of data.

  • Analysis of Data
    Provide the outlines of the method utilised for the data justifications and analysis and provide its justification according to their suitability.

  • Ethical Considerations
    Provide a good discussion on any issues of ethics in terms of your research and the way through which they are discussed in your dissertation.

4. Results and Findings

In the section on results, you have to present the date on which you have described and collected. Moreover, you have to elaborate on the things that you have found in your research. This section must be concise and clear and typically collect about 15% to 20% part of your dissertation. The result and finding section of your dissertation should comprised of 1500 words to 2000 words if your dissertation is 10000 words.

The crucial elements of your results or findings include

  • Data Presentation
    You have to present your data in an organised and explicit manner by utilising the chart graph and tables according to requirement.

  • Descriptive Identification
    You have to provide a descriptive analysis of the data to shed light on its findings.

  • Analysis of Statistics
    According to the applications you have to include the statistical analysis which should be performed on the basis of your data collection.

  • Finding Summary
    You have to find the significant summary without any interpretation of the implication you have to add the implications interpretations in the discussion section.

5. Discussion

The discussion section dissertation provides the interpretation of findings in which you have to explain the significance yourself. Furthermore, you have to identify in what ways these interpretations are related to the question of your research and review of the literature. This section must also provide a discussion of the implications of your findings and the limitations of your study. Generally, the section of discussion comprised 20% to 30% part of your dissertation. According to that the amount of words in your dissertation should be 2000 words to 3000 words.

Some of the significant components of your discussion section in the dissertation include

  • Findings Interpretation
    You have to provide the interpretation of your findings in terms of the research question and literature review of your dissertation.

  • Implication
    In this section, you have to discuss the finding implications if you have done in the theory of your dissertation and provide future research and practice ideas.

  • Comparison with Old Researches
    Compare the results of the other studies and provide the great highlights of differences and similarities of your answer.

  • Limitation
    You have to acknowledge your study is limited to the findings of your dissertation.

  • Recommendations
    In this section, you have to provide that recommendation for the research or the applications of the practices to emphasize your findings.

6. Conclusion

Conclusion is the most crucial section of your dissertation in which you have to summarise the significant points of your dissertation. You have to reinforce the significance of your research in this section. The conclusion must be considered a concise part of your dissertation which is typically based on a 5% to 10% part of your dissertation which allocates about 500 words to 1000 words in it.

The significant components of your conclusion comprised of:

  • Key Point’s Summary
    In this heading, you have to make a summary of the main points and findings of your thesis.

  • Significance Reinforcement
    Reinforce the significance of the contribution of it’s in your particular field.

  • Final Thoughts
    Provide the reflection or finally generate a call to action on the procedure of your research and findings.

7. References

The section of reference provides the list of all the resources which you cited in your dissertation. In this section, you do not have any limit on the word but it is significant to make sure that all the reference is formatted accurately according to the requirements of the style of citation such as MLA, APA and Chicago.

The unavertable significant elements of the references include:

  • Complete Citations
    If provide accurate and complete citations for all the resources referenced in your dissertation.

  • Formatting Consistency
    Make sure that all the references are formatted with consistency according to the selected style of citation.

8. Appendixes

The section of the appendix includes supplementary materials for supporting your dissertation however are not essential for the main text. The apprentices can be comprised of the questionnaire, raw data, transcript of interview, or additional graphs or charts.

Most Essential elements of the appendices include

  • Clear Labelling
    You have to label every appendix explicitly for example “appendix A” and “appendix B”. Moreover, you have to refer to them accurately in the significant text.

  • Supplementary Material
    The supplementary material is also a great part of your appendix which includes the material that is provided for the additional support or context for your dissertation.

As you navigate through the intricacies of dissertation writing, incorporating advanced technology can significantly enhance your efficiency and effectiveness. By doing so, you can use top AI tools for dissertation writing to streamline your research process, improve organisation, and aid in generating high-quality content.

Wrap up

The structure and breakdown of a dissertation depends on “How long is a dissertation?” This blog provides you with a detailed idea to break down your dissertation of 10000 words into the 8 most important sections. You can break down your dissertation into 1000 to 1500 words in the introduction, 2000 to 3000 words in the literature review, 1500 to 2000 in methodology, 1500 to 2000 in results, 2000 to 3000 in discussion, 500 to 1000 in conclusion, appendix and references sections have no limit of words. Thus, you can prepare your dissertation accurately by following the guide of this blog or by seeking assistance from our dissertation writing service for personalized support.